Hello world of gamedev!

Hey mate! First of all, I want to thank you for coming by. I hope you’ll find next few minutes worthwhile and you’ll stay with me forever for a while to see what I’ve got. Don’t forget to look at the second post! I’m starting this blog for two reasons, but before I tell you about them I’ll give you some motivation background.

’ve worked on sooo many projects that had a codebase that literally sucked. Where any, even small change, took forever and that time felt so wasted. I’ve also heard some shit from many devs and read it on a bunch of blogs about dreaming big but starting small. This is like mantra for our beloved industry. If you’re indie game developer I’m more than sure, that you’ve read something like this as well. If not, well, you’ve just lost your gamedev virginity with me. High five! And yeah, that is a really good advice and I mean it. But the thing is, that you have to like mobile/very simple games or you must be able to force yourself to make them anyway. I have to convince myself to even play something on mobile to be up to date with the industry, but I don’t find it pleasant in most cases. How long can I possibly “do small”, if I DON’T like that small game I’m working on? How to find motivation to keep going? At some point, you’ll probably find yourself in a place where you just won’t be able to go for another small project. Or maybe you’re just there right now?

I want to share my knowledge with you that will hopefully help you make your game come true. I’ll tell you what I know about writing a code that will stand a test of time better and won’t make it harder for you than it already is. Bigger projects take much more that one-two months and working with crappy code becomes a nightmare very quickly and stops you from adding another feature. You’re starting to think ‘Oh, if I had started this once again, I would write it a lot better. Sigh.’ I’ll try to help you to avoid that in the future. Too much work is wasted because of that. Making games is a really difficult thing. Making these big ones is a hard-as-fuck thing and to make it real, one needs calmness, perseverance and humility. And of course ‘a bit’ of know-how. By ‘bigger games’ I mean bigger than you made before, so this is purely subjective.

If you dream about your Game and I mean The Game, I am writing for you.

If you want to be better as a programmer, I’m writing for you as well.

I’m also writing for myself, because I want to meet people that share the same dream. I wish to become a better game developer as I’m writing this blog and I just want to see more games out there that I actually want to play.

So the first reason is You, second is Me, as simple as that.

Below I’ll list the most important information about this blog. They will give you some perspective on the content, before I write more.

  • Most of the posts will focus on programming stuff and code architecture. Basically they will try to explain how to write certain things in the way that will help you add more things in the future with pleasure. How to avoid spaghetti and write more lasagna style, if you know what I mean.
  • Most of the code examples will be prepared in Unity. Does it mean that if you don’t use Unity this blog isn’t for you? Well, no. I think you’ll get the idea anyway. It will be like reading C# code, while already knowing C++ or any other object oriented language. And in many cases you won’t even notice Unity here, so give it a try. However…
  • From time to time I’ll write something Unity-specific or at least somehow related to the engine. But still it will be more about code/work organization than actual tips and tricks or Unity tutorials.
  • More personal aspects of the game development will also be discussed here. These topics, as I strongly believe, will help you become more approachable person and will be helpful in your work. Example? Humility and calmness will help you in interpersonal contacts as well as learning faster and debugging (to be continued…)
  • I will write about design as well. This is far more difficult craft than it looks like, but liberating and satisfying as fuck. These will be in minority, but I want you to be prepared.
  • Oh yea, and in case you didnt notice yet, I’ll try to keep things simple, because I’m not a native English speaker and I really like the KISS ‘way of life’. I cannot afford fancy style, but I can afford being honest with you. Deal?
  • I’m NOT finding myself as ‘knows it all’ expert, I’m just a guy who loves games, is kinda’ geeky about code quality and believes. And I want you to believe too. Take it slowly, we’ll make it. More about me in… About me.

And I think that’s all for now. We’ll be tweaking things later on. See you!

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Sergey Dragan
Sergey Dragan

Hi there!

It’s the really good thing you’re doing. By sharing your knowledge you are making the world a little bit better.

Good luck!


I like your idea and I appreciate your sincerity. I will subscribe and follow you, hopefully will learn something good and help me make good decisions and also motivate myself in building good and why not maybe really awesome games.